9 Indoor Herbs to Grow on a Windowsill This Winter

Growing Food Windowsill Crops
Rosemary, basil and thyme growing on a kitchen windowsill.

As the winter chill settles in, it’s easy to feel like your gardening season is over. But don’t worry — your green thumb can stay active even when the snow is falling!

Growing herbs indoors on a sunny windowsill is a simple way to keep up a supply of fresh, aromatic plants all winter long. Compared to growing herbs outside, growing herbs inside has other additional benefits too.

Plus it’s also more sustainable, as it saves you from buying plastic packets of herbs that were likely grown and flown in from faraway places!

Best Indoor Herbs That Grow on a Winter Windowsill

Here are some of the best herbs to grow indoors on your windowsill during those colder months…

1. Basil

If you love Italian food (who doesn’t!?) then a fresh basil plant is a must in your kitchen. Even in winter, basil will happily grow on a windowsill.

While it’s a bit sensitive to cool temperatures, basil will thrive on a bright windowsill with at least 5-6 hours of sunlight a day.

Keep the soil moist but not soggy, and you’ll have a steady supply of fresh leaves for your winter soups and pasta dishes.

2. Mint

Mint is one of the best herbs to grow on a windowsill if you don’t have a south-facing window. Even with a few hours of winter sun, it should still thrive on a windowsill.

Use the fresh leaves to brew a hot mint tea, as a garnish for desserts or to liven up a winter cocktail!

Mint growing on a sunny windowsill.

3. Thyme

Thyme is hardy and very forgiving, making it one of the best herbs to grow indoors. It doesn’t need much care — just place it in a sunny window and water it sparingly. Thyme’s small leaves pack a flavorful punch and are perfect for seasoning roasted winter vegetables.

Thyme and basil plants growing in white metal planters on a windowsill.

4. Rosemary

Rosemary is a Mediterranean crop, so it needs about 6 hours of sunlight a day, but it can still grow well on a winter windowsill. Place it in a south-facing window if possible, or the sunniest spot you can find.

Fresh rosemary sprigs are perfect for roasting meats and can even be added to homemade breads.

A small rosemary plant growing in a gray ceramic pot in a kitchen.

5. Chives

Chives bring a mild onion flavor to any dish and grow happily indoors with minimal fuss. They need bright, indirect light and moderate watering.

Snip them often to encourage new growth, and enjoy their fresh, grassy flavor in everything from scrambled eggs to baked potatoes.

6. Oregano

Oregano is a must-have herb if you love Italian or Greek cuisine. Like rosemary, it loves the sun, so place it on the sunniest part of your windowsill.

Be sure to pinch off leaves regularly to promote more growth, and you’ll have a steady supply for all your winter pizzas and pasta sauces.

Looking down on an oregano plant growing on a windowsill.

7. Parsley

Parsley is a versatile herb that can handle lower light conditions, making it a great option for indoor growing during the winter.

It prefers evenly moist soil and a sunny spot, but it’s not as fussy as sun-loving herbs like rosemary or oregano. If you use it regularly, it should continue to provide you with fresh sprigs throughout the season!

Parsley growing in a black pot on a windowsill.

8. Sage

Sage loves a sunny window and dry soil, making it another ideal herb for indoor growing. Its earthy flavor is perfect for winter dishes like roasted vegetables and stuffing. Sage is also quite ornamental, adding a touch of beauty to your windowsill garden.

Bright green sage leaves growing from a navy blue ceramic pot.

9. Cilantro

Another sun-loving herb, cilantro (coriander) will need as much sun as possible — at least 6 hours a day if possible. Keep the soil lightly moist, and with regular trimming, you’ll have fresh leaves to add to curries, soups and more!

Quick Tips for Winter Herb Care:

  • Sunlight: Place herbs in the brightest window you have — south-facing windows are best!
  • Watering: Most herbs prefer well-draining soil, especially the Mediterranean herbs. Water when the top inch of soil feels dry, and avoid overwatering.
  • Humidity: Some herbs, like rosemary, appreciate a little extra humidity, especially when indoor air can become dry in winter. If you have a mister, mist them occasionally or use a humidity tray.
  • Pruning: Regularly trim your herbs to encourage bushy, healthy growth.

With just a bit of care, these herbs will not only thrive on your windowsill but will also bring fresh flavors and a touch of greenery to your home all winter long!

What else can you grow on a windowsill?

Windowsills are a great way to extend your growing space if you have a small garden. From micro tomatoes to microgreens. Here are some other plants you can grow on your windowsill!

  • Hey there! I'm Hannah from Mini Garden Spaces.

    I'm a gardener currently based in Gloucestershire. Balconies, patios or windowsills... no matter how small your garden, you'll find top tips on growing beautiful plants and tasty veg in your mini garden space.

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