About Mini Garden Spaces

Discover how to transform any tiny space into a mini thriving oasis.

From boring balcony to bountiful harvest, plastic grass to wildlife sanctuary and courtyard garden to mini rainforest. No matter how small your outdoor space, find space-saving hacks, vertical vegetable garden tips, and garden style inspiration to turn your mini garden space into a masterpiece.

Hey! I’m Hannah, the gardening addict behind Mini Garden Spaces.

I created Mini Garden Spaces to help other small garden growers tackle all the common issues we face in small gardens...

Maximising space. Dealing with shade. Vertical vegetable gardening. Container gardening.

With a zoned in focus on container gardening, beautiful balconies, budget-friendly ideas and low maintenance plants, my hope is that you'll be able to use Mini Garden Spaces as a tool and source of inspiration to refresh your space, or as a guide to start from scratch!

A little about me...

I’ve been gardening now for over 5 years. While I may seem new to the scene compared to some, I make up for it with a deeply rooted fascination in garden lore, plant knowledge and the joy of helping others create the BEST possible version of their small garden space…

3 fun facts:

  • I’m a BIG fan of dwarf plants (like dwarf tomatoes and dwarf conifers!)
  • I sometimes recite Latin plant names A-Z to help me sleep...
  • My favourite vegetable to grow will always be the humble tomato. It reminds me of my Grandparent's garden.

Stay connected...

To keep up with new posts, useful gardening advice and general gardening antics… follow along on the Mini Garden Spaces Facebook Page.

Three random posts to explore...