Affiliate Links
On the Mini Garden Spaces website, we’ll occasionally feature affiliate links. What does this mean for you as a reader?
If you click on one of the affiliate links you may be taken to a different website (for example, Amazon) that lists a product or service. If you choose to purchase this product or service through one of my affiliate links, I will get a small commission or referral fee at no extra cost to you.
Blog posts that contain these affiliate links will include a small disclaimer after the text introduction.
Please note that I have not been gifted any free products or services in exchange for a mention on the Mini Garden Spaces blog. I will only recommend products and/or services that I truly believe in.
As an Amazon Associate and member of the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Thank you for reading. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me using the contact form.