10 Short Evergreen Shrubs for Small Hedges

Two rows of short, evergreen boxwood shrubs. The row behind have been pruned into columns. The row in front has 4 spherical boxwood shrubs.

Whether it’s a short shrub to fit underneath a window or a small hedge to line a pathway that won’t block sunlight. Sometimes you need low-maintenance shrubs that can create a short evergreen hedge.

Tall hedging shrubs like Laurel, bamboo, or yew can quickly overwhelm a space if you don’t keep on top of pruning.

I’ve created a list of short evergreen shrubs that mature at a much shorter height. They also have a more compact shape in general, so they won’t take up valuable space in your garden.

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Low-growing evergreen shrubs for a small hedge

These short, low-growing shrubs are ideal for creating a small hedge to sit underneath a window or border pathways. I’ve also listed the approximate maximum heights of each shrub too, to help you decide if they’re a good match for the space you have in mind.

1. Hebes

For wonderful dense evergreen foliage and summer flowers, nothing beats a hebe. They’re a group of evergreen shrubs that stay small and compact, plus there’s a great variety to choose from.

Usually reaching about 3ft, they’re a great shrub for small hedges or planting underneath windows.

Some of my favorites include Hebe ‘Burning Heart’ with bright pink foliage and the variegated Hebe ‘Franciscana’.

Mature height: 2-3 feet

A close look down at the striking variegated foliage of Hebe 'Franciscana'. The leaves are a dark green, with thick cream colored edges.
Hebe ‘Franciscana’

2. Euonymus 

Euonymus are loved for their varied foliage colors. Compared to hebes, they tend to have a slightly looser structure, with longer, spreading stems, yet still retaining a dense texture.

There’s more variation in their mature sizes, with some cultivars reaching over 5ft. But there are plenty of evergreen Euonymus that stay small and compact.

Some low-growing Euonymus shrubs that are ideal for small hedges include:

  • Euonymus fortunei ‘Gold Splash’ at 2 feet tall
  • Euonymus fortunei ‘Blondy’ at 2 feet tall
  • Euonymus fortunei ‘Silver Queen’ at 3 feet tall

Mature height: 2-3 feet

Euonymus fortunei ‘Emerald N Gold’. The leaves are bright green, with thick yellow edges.

3. Barberry 

For something more dramatic, you really can’t beat the vivid colors of Japanese barberry.

If you like the idea of lining a pathway with plants with bright red foliage, or golden shades of yellow or orange, then barberry is the answer.

Red Leaf Barberry (Berberis thunbergii ‘Atropurpurea’), has fiery foliage in shades of red and orange and reaches maturity at about 4 feet.

Concorde Barberry (Berberis thunbergii ‘Concorde’) has warm, purple foliage that works well in contemporary spaces with white garden walls or paving. It’ll reach about 2 feet in height.

Mature height: 2-4 feet

A Berberis 'Harlequin' shrub with vivid pink and red foliage. A yellow-green berberis shrub sits on the right side of the photo.

4. Small Boxwoods

Boxwoods are loved for their refined and simple appearance. They have a dense sheen of usually dark green, inconspicuous foliage which can add a contemporary look to a small garden space. They’re popular topiary shrubs, so you can clip them into neat boxy hedges or even unusual shapes.

These small shears from Amazon are a good budget-friendly option for keeping a small boxwood shrub clipped.

You can find tall, upright boxwood varieties, but there are plenty of small boxwood shrubs that stay small.

Small boxwoods for low hedges

Some of my favorites include ‘Green Ice’ Boxwood with blue-green foliage and ‘Emerald Jewel’ Boxwood, with bright golden green leaves. Both mature to around 3 feet in height.

Mature height: 3 feet

A small round boxwood tree in an orange plastic container.

5. Pieris 

Pieris shrubs are often chosen as standalone specimens, but they work equally well as low hedges too. They provide plenty of year-round interest. The foliage is evergreen, but in Spring there’s a flush of bright pink as new growth emerges, with delicate white flowers following.

Mature height: 3-5 feet

Looking down on a Pieris 'Scarlet O'hara' shrub. It has blue-green leaves with thin, cream edges. New, bright red shoots are emerging on some stems, while others are lined with small white, bell-shaped flowers.

6. Japanese Holly (Ilex crenata

Some Japanese Holly cultivars can reach heights of 8-10 feet, which makes them ideal plants for tall and narrow hedges. But the Ilex crenata group stays low and compact, making them perfect for a low-growing hedge or a border for a pathway.

To keep Japanese Holly in check, you may need to trim the greenery in late summer (a cloudy day is best as bright sunlight can damage exposed cuts). These hedge clipping shears from Amazon are a good option for pruning Japanese Holly.

Some low-growing Japanese Holly shrubs that are ideal for small hedges include:

  • Ilex crenata ‘Compacta’ at 5 feet tall
  • Ilex crenata ‘Soft Touch’ at 2-3 feet tall
  • Ilex crenata ‘Jenny’ at 2-3 feet tall

Mature height: 2-5 feet

Ilex crenata ‘Jenny’. A group of low growing shrubs with an upright profile. The leaves are simple deep green ovals, with new growth at the top a lighter shade of bright green.
Ilex crenata ‘Jenny’

7. Dwarf Thuja Conifers 

There are plenty of Thuja available as dwarf conifers too, which make wonderful low-growing hedges.

  • Thuja ‘Teddy’ is a classic, vivid green conifer with a short stature (2ft) and rounded shape.
  • For something a bit brighter, Thuja ‘Golden Tuffet’ has beautiful golden green, feathery foliage, which reaches a height of about 3 feet.

Mature height: 2-3 feet

A Thuja ‘Golden Tuffet’ shrub. It has feathery, yellow/orange foliage with hints of bright lime green on more mature growth.
Thuja ‘Golden Tuffet’

8. Dwarf Junipers

Like Thuja, there are lots of Juniper varieties available as dwarf conifers.  Many form low, spreading mats, 1 foot high with a width of 8 feet and more.  But there are some varieties that form a more compact shape.

These small junipers work well as low-growing hedges:

  • Lime Glow Juniper (Juniperus horizontalis ‘Noslg’)
  • Blue Star Juniper (Juniperus squamata ‘Blue Star’)
  • Flaky Juniper (Juniperus squamata ‘Holger’)

Mature height: 1-3 feet

Looking directly down on Flaky Juniper (Juniperus squamata 'Holger’). It has blue-green, soft needled foliage, with new growth emerging as small cream shoots.
Flaky Juniper (Juniperus squamata ‘Holger’)

9. Dwarf Rhododendrons 

Often enjoyed as a standalone plant in a container, dwarf rhododendrons can as be used to create colorful, low-growing hedges. Their evergreen foliage stays year-round, and in summer you can enjoy a colorful flush of frilly flowers.

Mature height: 3 feet

A dwarf rhododendron 'Shamrock'. It has warm green, simple oval leaves, but it is mainly covered in large, lily-shaped cream/green flowers with white stamens and red anthers.

10. Dwarf Pine

For a forest or cottage-core aesthetic, a row of these mini pine trees can create a lovely low-growing hedge. The look of their long needles on such a short shrub creates a lovely texture. Especially the Varsella pine, with extra long needles which gives the whole shrub a fluffy, rounded look.

Some lovely dwarf pines for low-growing hedges:

  • Pinus mugo ‘Carstens’ (Wintergold)
  • Pinus mugo ‘Varella’

Mature height: 2-3 feet

A single Pinus mugo 'Varella' in a black plastic pot. It has a spherical shape, with the long needles reaching outwards. It looks bristly but it's soft to touch. A lovely dwarf conifer to add texture to a small garden.
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